Saturday, July 2, 2011

To be honest, change does scare me. i have this tendency to never let go, if you know what i mean.
I think it has to do with the fact that i'm a people person, and my passion is people. Therefore when it comes time to say the simple but yet so meaningful word "goodbye" i can't bring myself to it. So there is a lot of change going on in my life right now, i have freshman year of college starting up, i have finally decided to step back out of my dad's life, and accept the fact that we will NEVER have that fairytale relationship. but it is okay. and i'm fine with that. Another big change is the only consistant youth pastors i have had in my life are now leaving the church, which this makes me very sad....but on a positive note God has, oh my, tremendous plans for them and i get to watch their baby all the time which is quite nice, indeed. i'm just now finding out some new talents and gifts God has given me and im super excited to excerise them with a good purpose and heart! Life is good. Jesus is Good.

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