Thursday, July 28, 2011

about to LOVE like no other

I've learned so much in the past day.
-good enough is the devil's greatness
-Don't settle for anything
-Keeping unforgivness in your heart can keep you from being blessed
-Our stories thrive in conflict
-God gives us opportunities, whether we act on it or not determines our reward
-Many are called, few are chosen
-Stability will kill you, believe it or not.
-The American Dream is a lie, God has so much more for you
-We don't give God a challenge for our lives
-Do we pray safe or dangerous prayers? are we afraid to pray to God and ask him to rip everything from us?
-Focusing on maintaing your life you can end up on a detour

All this has already changed and turned the focus point on my heart. So many people settle once they get married and have kids, and have a job and just stop, but really all those things are great but we can't just stop there we need to go out on missions daily. No matter the cost, and stop focusing on the things of this world, it is going to get us no where. I'm about to love, hug, laugh, share, and be the Erica god made me. I have worth in Him.

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