Monday, July 4, 2011

Erica Diahann Wilson "America"

Erica America is what they call me.
Jesus loves me this i know.
18 years of age.
Love Love Love me some country music.
Running is my therapy.
God's gift to me was surrounding me with little kids.
I tend to teach on  a daily basis.
I hate ankles.
Loveeeeeeeee feet.
I bite my nails.
Break the seams on shirts.
I write poetry.
You always see me flaunting a bow and struting in converse.
I hate sneezing while driving, its dangerous!
I collect bracelets from all around the world.
The places you will see me most is....
The Stage.
I have fears but i tend to act like i'm fearless.
I attempt to be a dare devil.
I probably laugh WAY more than i should.
I like to dig for a good boogie every now and then. haha!
3 words to describe me
1. neat freak
2. high maintience
thats me in a nut shell

I perfer not to read.

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