Saturday, August 13, 2011

The city with the lights...

New York. New York. New York.
The closer New York gets...the more scared i become. This fear has been growing inside me ever since i got accepted for this internship. in 3 weeks...i will be on my OWN. ALONE. for the first time. away from everything i've ever known. I keep second guessing myself, which i shouldn't because that is dumb, plain and simple.

New York. New York. New York. To live in NY has been my dream since i was 5 and i became interested in acting...and now i have the chance and it makes my heart beat super fast, and my stomach becomes is only 4 months...i keep repeating that over and over to myself, it helps a little.

New York. New York. New York. People ask me constantly, are you ready, excited? I say, " Heck yeah!" without a doubt...but I am sooo homesick already...i think maybe if i fake it to people it will become real in my heart.

New York. New York. New York. Oh. New York.

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