Sunday, May 8, 2011


No matter how great a girl’s hair, skin, nails and clothes are, she will not be truly beautiful unless she shines from within.
She may win beauty contests or get modeling contracts or have boys flocking around her. That means she’s cute, or pretty, or practically perfect from head to toe. That doesn’t mean she’s beautiful.
A beautiful girl can have bad hair days, pimples, and hairy legs. She may not be able to sit still long enough to have a manicure or tweeze her eyebrows or worry that she towers over the whole rest of her class. She is beautiful because she focuses on these Beauty secrets:
Confidence in her God-given talens that smoothes her brow.
Joy that makes her eyes sparkle; honesty that makes them clear.
A sense of FUN that gives her a dazzling smile.
Energy in helping, sharing, and doing her bst that makes her skin glow; kindness that softens it.
Positive encouraging words that make her lips lovely.
Love for God, others, and herself that makes her attractive in a way no one else can.
You don’t need make-up
You don’t need drugs
You don’t need the “right” or “cool” brands
You don’t need to be the “right” size

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