Friday, September 2, 2011

i am not the best at packing..............

brick wall or waterfall

Someone once said to me,"Not everyone is a brickwall like you, Erica."
and that is where i begin to know the whole..people who don't show their feelings and blah blah have walls built up around them..
or they are "strong" and know how to put up a front..which can also represent the brick wall.
and well i'm not exactly the brick wall people think i am.
EVERYONE has brick wall and water fall moments in their life. Yeah most times i put on my smile face tough it out, but sometimes i breakdown and crumble and i believe that resembles a water fall.
now which ever one you tend to deal with more doesn"t really matter to me. It's the growth from there that makes the difference and improtance in your life. i truly believe we need an equal balance of both, no we don't need to hold everything in but we also don't need to just be emotional about everything....